
Contributions Made Easy With Markdown + Colors

Hey everyone, Voxel here for that update on the new Markdown system, as well as a surprise!

Let’s start with the surprise first: More colored editions! Some of you may recall the colored editions for volumes 11 and 12 made by Theri, and now we’re proud to expand that lineup. The first one being volume 13, colored by Cloudy. Check out @Cloudy for more awesome art!

Like the banner above? Grab the latest release of volume 13 in our Light Novel tab, Slime Reader has it too! And speaking of Slime Reader, it now has little color badges for volumes that offer colored illustrations.

The Markdown Pipeline and Easier Contributions

As mentioned in the volume 20 announcement, we’re moving our workflow to Markdown files and automated exports. This will let us easily update volumes and support more ebook formats, such as .azw3 and .mobi.

What does this have to do with contributions? We now have the markdown files for volumes supporting the format available for all inside Slime Reader’s Github repository. If you want to suggest changes to the contents of a volume, just head there and edit the markdown files, then open a pull request on Github for review.

Making changes to Markdown files requires no special knowledge or programs, just open the text files and it will work. Our exact syntax is a little bit different from standard Markdown, so all you need to know is inside this Markdown tutorial.

As of writing, the following volumes support Markdown: 13, 14, 18, 19, 20. More to come. The system also fixes minor display issues currently affecting some volumes on Slime Reader, so please don’t mind them for the time being.

Addendum: Even More Colors!

Volume 14 now also has a colored edition featuring wonderful art by DØch, check out more art @Dochtempest!

Volume 15 now also features colored illustrations from Cloudy! Get your new epub, pdf, or check them out on Slime Reader, too!


Volume 20 Release

Hello hello, Voxel here.

The time has come and so has the edited release of volume 20! With many fixes and a myriad of other improvements over the unedited preview that some of you probably found on Slime Reader, this is the definitive edition, brought to you by our team. And it has turned out quite well, if I do say so myself, of which the following also played a small part:

Introducing the new markdown pipeline

This volume is the first to use a new build system that relies upon markdown files, which are much simpler than your average google doc. That means, a lot of the formatting and creating pdfs, epubs, and Slime Reader pages is done automagically!

In fact, these raw markdown files can be found inside the source code of Slime Reader, but more on that another time.

If this pilot run goes well, the system will be applied to all other volumes, which will make it a lot easier to update them, fixing any broken switchable terms in Slime Reader that currently exist.

All right, then without further ado, here is the new volume, I hope you enjoy!

EPUB & PDF (Mirror) or Slime Reader

Volume 15 Release

Hello again, Voxel here.

It’s finally time, the great linking of the pre and post Artificial Intelligence era. And by that I mean that it is now possible to read all the way from volume 6 to volume 20 in one go. I hope you enjoy!

Revisions of volumes 16–19 will be rolling out, adding some cleanup and style updates here and there, nothing major. Volume 20 in particular is only available as an unedited draft, but the team is working hard on a refined and edited version that will be coming in a few weeks, so you can look forward to that!

EPUB & PDF (Mirror) or Slime Reader

Volume 14 Release

Hello everyone, Voxel here.
Kept you waiting for this one, huh? Well, unfortunately it’s the first fully DeepL translated volume lacking a Japanese proofread (the same can’t be said for the upcoming volume 15, stay tuned). But that doesn’t mean that this work doesn’t adhere to our standards, in large part thanks to the ever-helpful CharVANder.

With this, one of the two missing volumes is added, bridging the gap between our previous translations, and the later volumes, allowing you to catch up with the latest Japanese releases.

Anyway, without further ado, links are below.

EPUB & PDF (Mirror) or Slime Reader

As always, feedback is welcome. Please leave it here: https://forms.gle/UUmkEyvNDShd5RGNA

See you soon for volume 15, hopefully around the end of the month!

Announcement and Volume 13 Release

Hello everyone, Voxel here again.
As you’ve probably noticed, progress has all but stopped, the indicator on Slime Reader wasn’t wrong. We had, however, finished half of the volume, so to make sure it didn’t go to waste, we’ve filled the remaining gaps (mainly chapters 3 and 4) with machine translations from the website DeepL. We then got help from CharVANder, who you may already know from her own “Fixed DeepL” releases of later volumes, some of which we’ve already collaborated on. She fixed up the rest of the volume; you can thank her for making this release finally possible.

EPUB & PDF (Mirror) or Slime Reader

Going Forward

Translators and editors are hard to come by, and working on a whole novel is a lot of work, especially with each volume getting longer than the last. So, going forward, we’ll continue collaborating with CharVANder to make the most out of DeepL’s translation engine. With that, you can expect very fast releases going forward, as we will be keeping pace with Japanese releases.
More polished releases like we’ve been striving for in the past are sadly too much work for the current team, so please support the official releases for something more professional from now on.

Thank you for all your patience until now, we hope to see you again in the future.

Volume 8.5 Interviews (Update)

Dear readers,

as you may or may not have known, I have previously translated two interviews with Fuse and Mitz Vah featured in volume 8.5. I had posted them to pastebin, where one of them has been privated due to the site’s TOS change. Our team has since decided to update the interviews to a pdf file and later integrate them to slime reader. Sorry for the inconvenience.



DasRay & the team

Volume 12 Release

Hello everyone, Voxel and the team here, standing in for DasRay. I know, it’s been a really long time, but now we finally bring you Volume 12 of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime.

Epub & PDF or Slime Reader

We are once again excited to bring you another special edition with colored illustrations, once again done by the talented Theri (@jetsettheri), go support his work at his twitter handle.

Aside from that, this volume will set Rimuru and his gang up for the epic showdown with the Empire, which will fill up the entirety of the next volume. We hope to bring you that one as well.

Regarding Various Name Changes

You heard that right. Moving forward, we’ve discussed changing a number of names and amending a few mistakes of the past, a luxury that digital releases allow us. Another luxury that digital releases offer, is the ability to pick your own names using our very own Slime Reader. Please do check it out, if you aren’t satisfied with the default name choices or just want to pick some really funny ones.

Some of the previous choices were based on the obsolete Web Novel translation, others were simply what we picked at the time. Either way, these are some of the notable changes:

Ruminas → Luminas (Including all other names related to her, starting with an R)

Seven Celestials → Seven Luminaries

hero and Chosen Hero → champion and Hero

Yuurazania → Eurazania

And a few more. Our previous works will be updated over the following days. Of course, these changes can be reverted using Slime Reader, if you so choose. Suggest additional name choices here: https://forms.gle/ouGH6zuAesejVJKM7

Regarding Future Translations

We will continue with volume 13 next, and might see some new, and maybe some old faces working on this one. Either way, you can follow our progress live on Slime Reader.

And that concludes about everything we have to say. I Hope you all enjoy the new volume, have a good one.

Volume 11 Release

Volume 11 hell yeah

DasRay and the team here, long time no see, now we bring you Volume 11 of “That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime”.

Epub & PDF ( Drive contains Coloured Edition)

Slime Reader (Will be updated soon)

This time around, we are very excited to bring you a special edition with coloured illustration. This is not official colouring done by the illustrator of the Light Novel Mitz Vah, so please consider this a fan interpretation of the illustrations. These amazing colourings were done by Theri (@jetsettheri), go support his work at his twitter handle.

With that being said, I would like to apologize beforehand regarding the quality of one specific chapter, I don’t think I’ve disclosed this publicly before, but members of the team are very aware of my criticism (or distaste) for some of Fuse’s writing, and this certain chapter embodied everything I hate about this series’ writing.

Rare footage of DasRay snapping during translation

I think most would understand why once they read the chapter, I (and Anna because I was mentally exhausted halfway through) finished translating so it last and it was edited hastily as well, I’ve also deliberatedly asked the team to focus more on other chapters, so expect the quality to be low. I take full responsbility for the possible displeasure it will cause for the readers, but please try to understand, I don’t get paid enough to fry my head with garbage. Luckily, even if you choose to ignore this chapter completely, it will not affect your overall experience with the volume’s story whatsoever, so rest assured in that regards.

Nevertheless, we hope you all enjoy the conclusion to the Western Nations Arc. From Volume 12 onward, Rimuru and his companions would begin their rivalry with the Eastern Empire.

Regarding future translations

With volume 11 comes the end of the Western Nations arc, and it also marks the sixth volume we have translated. We have grown from a small team of 4 people to now a much more competent group with over a dozen editors, proofreaders contributing to the translation. Personally as the transaltor, I would like to thank each and every member of the team, whether you are those who had become inactive, left the group, or newly joined members, thank you all for your hard work, it has been an arduous but enjoyable journey. And on behalf of the team, I would like to thank you, the fans of the series for your continued support of our fan translation.

On that note, I would like to announce that I will be taking an indefinite break from translating to focus on my personal life, another hiatus you may say, but just for myself. You may have noticed in the credit that we have had the pleasure to recruit our Korean translator Anna. In the past few volumes, Anna has only worked on small bits of the volume, but after volume 11, she will be tackling the majority of the volumes, likely for the next few entries.

It is likely that the next volume would take a longer time to come out, but do be reminded that we are not on official hiatus, however, there likely will not be an estimate for volume 12 any time soon, please be respectful and patient during the wait.

And that concludes about everything we have to say. Hope you all enjoy the new volume, have a good one.

Volume 10 Release

DasRay and the team here, long time no see.

Hopefully everyone is doing well during these tough times, stay home and be safe.

Some better news for a change, we bring you, volume 10 of Regarding That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime.

EPUB & PDF (Now includes mobi. file for Kindle!)

Slime Reader

A huge thanks to everyone that has worked on the volume. We had limited manpower during this period and the editors and proofreaders deserve a good rest after their input in this long volume.

Recruitment window is now closed, thank you for your support!

You are all truly wonderful, have a good one.