Where is Volume 9?

Hi, this is DasRay. Recently I have gotten many questions regarding the release and progress of volume 9 translation of Tensura. There happened to be things regarding the progress among other things that I hope to address, so might as well blog about it.

Current Progress and Release Date of Volume 9

As of the time I’m writing this, that is mid January, me and another translator (new member, say hi to Annie when the volume’s put) have translated around 70% of the volume. Editors have done around 20-30% of the editing/proofreading. Volume 9 is in fact one of the longest volume of Tensura that we’ve worked on, and let’s just say not every single chapter is that fun to translate.

With that being said, I’ve actually been rather productive for the past week, and translation should be expected done in another week around the corner of Chinese New Year. After this most members of the translation team would be focusing on editing and proofreading, which is likely another week of work. If considering some additional polish, the ETA of Volume 9 will be around Early February. The file release will again be on our website, I’ll per usual post the relevant links on reddit and discord server (which currently I’m not in, boohoo).

What we are changing

After a long hiatus, some of my personal views on what should be in a Japanese to English light novel translation has changed, and this time we will be experimenting with some changes that will make life easier for both us and the readers:

  1. No more Japanese quotation signs. E.g. 「」. All dialogue, skills will be using the English quotation signs “” from now on.
  2. Passage are now translated in predominantly past tense, but if you see some grammatical misuse, please understand it’s very difficult for us to spot as there is a difference between story telling in English and Japanese.
  3. We will try to fully integrate options for official (yenpress) translation of names and skills in our free online reading app “Slime Reader”. This is already a feature since Volume 8 if you haven’t checked it out.
  4. Translation will be less rigid in following the specific sentence structure/metaphor of the Japanese texts. Instead we will try to make things more sensible in English.
  5. Less dank memes that are completely out of context, perhaps some appropriate ones in context. Sorry guys, translation is very serious business.

Btw, do you know I’m translating a tensura doujin?

Details to be revealed during release of vol 9, kappa

Also, you don’t know how happy I was to learn that yenpress isn’t releasing vol 8 until May, not that anyone should be happy about such late release, but still… *wink*

That’s all, thank you for supporting our translation and the Tensura series, remember to support the official release of Tensura manga and light novels. See you at volume 9.

Handsome lad on the left to be featured in volume 9 (actually, everyone here gets to)

11 thoughts on “Where is Volume 9?

  1. Thnks fo r the update_Having to wait for an unknown amount of time kinda sucks. Anyhow keep up the hard work really appreciate it!


  2. Thanks for the update! Hope the finalization goes quickly. If you are up for it I’d love to see a version packed with translator notes, thoughts, and of course dank memes. You’d still have the very serious suit and tie translation but I like having the notes of someone who had to spend weeks of their life constantly reading the text sprinkled in among things. Happy Demon Lord Festival!


  3. Welcome Annie and thank you for the update! Take your time, since we understand the complexity of translating process. Thanks again


  4. Hey, I know you guys are working hard to get it finished and I am still thankful for that, but still I can’t help but ask about the ETA. It’s already early February, so can we expect in a week or so. I know I’m being pushy and I’m sorry for that.


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